Nursing Mnemonics Best Collection for Students
Many Nursing students are regular readers of my blog. So today I am sharing best mnemonics collection for nursing students all over the world.These mnemonics are collected from various offline and online sources including text books.If you know any other nursing mnemonics please share via comments.
Nursing Care for Sprains and Strains (RICE)
R- Rest
Care of Client in Traction (TRACTION)
T- Temperature (Extremity, Infection)
Steps in the Nursing Process
Acid-Base (ROME)
CANCER'S Early Warning Signs
C-hange in bowel or bladder
CANCER Interventions
Hypoglycemia (TIRED)
Adrenal Gland Hormones (SSS)
S-ugar (Glucocorticoids)
Pulmonary Edema (MAD DOG)
5 P's of Circulatory Checks
Hypertension Nursing Care (DIURETIC)
D-aily Weight
Evalution of Episiotomy Healing (REEDA)
R- Redness
Evalution of Episiotomy Healing (REEDA)
R- Redness
Post-Partum Assessment (BUBBLE)
Tracheal Esophageal Fistula (3 C's)
C- Choking
Cleft Lip - Post Op Care (CLEFT LIP)
Situations requiring Crisis Situation: RAPE
R- Ruthless
Warning Signs of a Child Abuse/ Neglect: CHILD ABUSE
C-hild's excessive knowledge on sex & abusive words
The HYPERKALEMIA "Machine" - Causes of Increased Serum K+
M - Medications - ACE inhibitors, NSAIDS
M - Muscle weakness
To remember which blood types are compatible, visualize the letter "O" as an orb representing the universe, because type O blood is the universal donor blood. Patients with any blood type can receive it. But O also means "odd man out": Patients with type O blood can receive only type O blood. Think BEEP to remember the signs of minor bleeding:
B: Bleeding gums
Having difficulty distinguishing hypoplasia from hyperplasia?
When you see plasia in any word, think of "plastic." Plastic, in turn, means forming or developing. As for hypo and hyper, that's the easy part. Hypo means under, or below normal. Hyper means excessive, or above normal. Thus, hypoplasia means underdevelopment, and hyperplasia means overdevelopment.
To remember the four causes of cell injury, think of how the injury tipped (or TIPD) the scale of homeostasis:
T: Toxin or other lethal (cytotoxic) substance
When asking assessment questions, remember the American Cancer Society's mnemonic device CAUTION:
C: Change in bowel or bladder habits
Use the ABCD rule to assess a mole's malignant potential:
A: Asymmetry--Is the mole irregular in shape?
Side effects of steroids. The 5 S's.
Sick- easier to get sick
Pupils Equally Round and Reactive to Light and Accomodation
Learning the Systems of the Body?
M= Muscle
Trouble figuring out which eye is which?
OS is left eye
S/S of Hyponatremia
S tupor/coma
Immediate treatment of MI, think MONA:
M Morphine sulfate
Treatment of CHF, think UNLOAD FAST:
U sit Upright
Assistive devices -- Canes:
C Cane
Signs of a Cholinergic Crisis, think SLUD:
S Salivation
Memory Trick:Need to remember which kind of beta blocker has which action?
B1 Blocks the heart (you have only one heart)
fetal accelerations and decelerations!!!
Variable Cord compression
Heart sounds:
S3= Heart fail-ure (3 syllables)
effects of anticholinergics:
Can't see
Nine-point Postpartum Assessment...
B- Breasts
The 5 P's of circulation loss in a limb.
Pain, Pallor, Pulselessness, Parasthesia, Poikilothermia
side effects & adverse reactions to immunizations:
F- Fever
F - Fever (low grade), flushed skin
C - Convulsions
Remember that here in the USA you D drive on the right side of the road.
AD - right ear
Mneumonic device for remembering questions to ask emergency room admits:
Car? (circumstances of event)
Everyone knows to make the ABCD (airway breathing circulation and neurologic disability) assessment first. Then as soon as possible, further assessment/intervention is done, which includes:
His (health history)
The pathophysiology of ARDS:
Assault on the respiratory system
Diagnostic criteria of ARDS
Acute onset
Complications of thrombolytic therapy: The 3 B's
Complications of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB): The 3 H's
Hypothermia (to decrease O2 consumption)...Effects SVR (vasoconstriction) and causes myocardial depression (decreases contractility)
Signs and symptoms of cardiac tamponade (Beck's Triad): The Three D's
Distant heart sounds
Atrial Arrhythmias: ABCDE
Adenosine/amiodorone or anticoagulate (if Afib/Flutter has been present >48h)
For ventricular arrhythmias: AL
N - Naproxen
8 A's for Hepatotoxic Drugs (Check SGPT/SGOT)
Parkinson's Medications: "Ali Loves Boxing Matches"
The 4 H's that invalidate a neuro exam:
Pinpoint pupils: Drugs, drops & nearly dead
Drugs: opiates
Dilated pupils: Fear, Fits & Fast Living
Fear: panic, extreme anxiety
ADLs (Activity of Daily Living)
IADLS (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) SCUM
Bleeding Precautions (RANDI)
R- Razor Electric/ Blades
Canes and Walkers (COAL)
C- Cane
Canes and Walkers (WWAL)
W- Walker
Common Causes of Transient Incontinence (DIAPPERS)
Promotion of Normal Elimination (POOPER SCOOP)
Emergency Trauma Assessment
Trauma Surgery (AMPLE)
Trauma Surgery (AMPLE)
6 P's of Dyspnea
P- Pulmonary Bronchial Constriction
Lidocaine Toxicity (SAMS)
S-lurred Speech
TDCI (These Drugs Can Interact)
T - Theophyline
Serious Complications of Oral Birth Control Pills (ACHES)
A- Abdominal Pain
Emergency Drugs to LEAN on
L- Lidocaine
Drugs for Bradycardia & low BP (IDEA)
I - Isoproterenol
Cholinergic Crisis (SLUD)
Depression Assessment (SIG)
S-leep Disturbances
Energy Decreased (CAPS)
C-oncentration decreased
5 A's to Alzheimer Diagnosis
Major Symptoms of a Manic Attack (DIG FAST)
D- Distractibility
3 P's of Blindness
P- Preventable
Symptoms of Hypoxia (in Pediatrics) - FINES
F-eeding difficulty
Management of ASTHMA
A-drenergics (Albuterol)
Epiglottitis (AIR RAID)
A-irway Closed
Blood Flow Through the Cardiac Valves (Tissue Paper My Assets)
Immediate Treatment of a Myocardial Infarction Client (MONA)
M- Morphine
U-pright Position
Make sure they don't have problems with:
Osteoporosis Risk Factors (ACCESS)
A-lcohol Use
Who needs dialysis? (Check the vowels: AEIOU)
A- Acid-Base Problems
Prostate Problems are no... FUN
F- Frequency
BRAT Diet (for severe dehydration)
B- Banana
Gluten Free Diet (ROW)
R- Rye
Assess Changes in Senile Dementia (JAMCO)
J- Judgment
3 P's of Diabetes Mellitus - Type 1 Signs & Symptoms
P- Polyuria (excessive urination)
Right-Sided Heart Failure (HEAD)
H- Hepatomegaly
Left-Sided Heart Failure (CHOP)
C- Cough
Hyperkalemia Management (KIND)
K- Kayexalate (orally/ enema)
Management of Myocardial Infarction (MONATAS)
M- Morphine
Electrolytes - PISO
P- Potassium
Eating Disorder: ANOREXIA
A-menorrhea delayed
Symptoms of Leukemia (ANT)
A- Anemia
Exercise Guide for Diabetic Fitness (FIT)
F - Frequency (3x per week)
Symptoms of Hypoxia (RAT BED)
Early Hypoxia:
Eating Disorder: BULIMIA
B-inge eating
Findings of a Bulimia client: WASHED
W-eight loss of 15% of original body weight
Outcome of Alcoholism: BAD
B- Brain Damage
5 D's of Behavioral Problems of Alcoholism
D- Denial
Breast self examination (i made a song out of this)
♫ ♪♪ ♫1 little 2, little 3 little fingers
Alkalosis and Acidosis
Alkalosis - has a 'k' - Kicking the pH up
Solutions: Isotonic, Hypotonic, Hypertonic
Isotonic - "Same as I" - the solution used will be the same as normal body fluid composition. Fluids remain inside intravascular space.
For remembering the coronary arteries and which side they are on:
Right = Right
Inflammation (HIPER)
4 C's of Hypertension (Complications)
C- Coronary Artery Disease
Complications of Trauma Client (TRAUMATIC)
T-issue Perfusion Problems
Cyanotic Defects: 4 T's
T- Tetralogy of Fallot
Cranial Nerve Mnemonic 01
O-Lympic (Olfactory)
Cranial Nerve Mnemonic 02
O- Oh
Cranial Nerve Mnemonic 03
O- On
Cranial Nerve Mnemonics
S - Some
Cranial Nerve Mnemonics 02
S- Some
OB Non-Stress Test (NNN)
N - Non-reactive
Severe Pre-Eclampsia (HELLP)
H- emolysis
Assessment Tests for Fetal Well-Being (ALONE)
A- Amniocentesis
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Nursing Care for Sprains and Strains (RICE)
R- Rest
I - Ice
C - Compression
E- Elevation
Care of Client in Traction (TRACTION)
T- Temperature (Extremity, Infection)
R - Ropes hang freely
A - Alignment
C - Circulation Check (5 P's)
T- Type & Location of fracture
I - Increase fluide intake
O - Overhead trapeze
N - No weights on bed or floor
Steps in the Nursing Process
ADPIE (A Delicious PIE)
D- iagnosis
Acid-Base (ROME)
CANCER'S Early Warning Signs
C-hange in bowel or bladder
A- lesion that does not heal
U-nusual bleeding or discharge
T-hickening or lump in breast or elsewhere
I-ndigestion or difficulty swallowing
O-bvious changes in wart or mole
N-agging cough or persisten hoarseness
U-nexplained weight loss
P-ernicious Anemia
CANCER Interventions
A-ltered Body Image
E-valuate response to meds
R-espite for caretakers
Hypoglycemia (TIRED)
- an abnormal decrease of blood in the sugar
E-xcessive Hunger
D-iaphoresis/ Depression
Adrenal Gland Hormones (SSS)
S-ugar (Glucocorticoids)
S-alt (Mineralcorticoids)
S-ex (Androgens)
Pulmonary Edema (MAD DOG)
D- Digitalis
D-Diuretics (Lasix)
O- Oxygen
G- ases (Blood Gases ABG's)
5 P's of Circulatory Checks
P-Pallor (Paleness)
Hypertension Nursing Care (DIURETIC)
D-aily Weight
I- ntake and Output (I & O)
U- rine Output
R-esponse of BP
T-ake Pulses
I-schemic Episodes (TIA)
C-omplications: 4C's
Evalution of Episiotomy Healing (REEDA)
R- Redness
E- Edema
E - Ecchymosis
D - Discharge, Drainage
A - Approximation
Evalution of Episiotomy Healing (REEDA)
R- Redness
E- Edema
E - Ecchymosis
D - Discharge, Drainage
A - Approximation
Post-Partum Assessment (BUBBLE)
E-pisiotomy/lateration/C-section incision
Tracheal Esophageal Fistula (3 C's)
C- Choking
C- Coughing
C - Cyanosis
Cleft Lip - Post Op Care (CLEFT LIP)
L-ie on back
E-valuate Airway
F-eed Slowly
L-arger nipple opening
I-ncidence incerase in males
P-revent crust formation and aspiration
Situations requiring Crisis Situation: RAPE
R- Ruthless
A- Abusive
P- Personal
E- Experience
Warning Signs of a Child Abuse/ Neglect: CHILD ABUSE
C-hild's excessive knowledge on sex & abusive words
H-air growth in various lengths
I-nconsistent stories from the child & parent/s
L-ow self-esteem
A-pathy, no emotion
U-nusual injuries
S-erious injuries
E-vidence of old injuries not reported
The HYPERKALEMIA "Machine" - Causes of Increased Serum K+
M - Medications - ACE inhibitors, NSAIDS
A - Acidosis - Metabolic and respiratory
C - Cellular destruction - Burns, traumatic injury
H - Hypoaldosteronism, hemolysis
I - Intake - Excesssive
N - Nephrons, renal failure
E - Excretion - Impaired
Signs and Symptoms of Increased Serum K+
M - Muscle weakness
U - Urine, oliguria, anuria
R- Respiratory distress
D - Decreased cardiac contractility
E - ECG changes
R - Reflexes, hyperreflexia, or areflexia (flaccid)
To remember which blood types are compatible, visualize the letter "O" as an orb representing the universe, because type O blood is the universal donor blood. Patients with any blood type can receive it. But O also means "odd man out": Patients with type O blood can receive only type O blood. Think BEEP to remember the signs of minor bleeding:
B: Bleeding gums
E: Ecchymoses (bruises)
E: Epistaxis (nosebleed)
P: Petechiae (tiny purplish spots)
Having difficulty distinguishing hypoplasia from hyperplasia?
When you see plasia in any word, think of "plastic." Plastic, in turn, means forming or developing. As for hypo and hyper, that's the easy part. Hypo means under, or below normal. Hyper means excessive, or above normal. Thus, hypoplasia means underdevelopment, and hyperplasia means overdevelopment.
To remember the four causes of cell injury, think of how the injury tipped (or TIPD) the scale of homeostasis:
T: Toxin or other lethal (cytotoxic) substance
I: Infection
P: Physical insult or injury
D: Deficit, or lack of water, oxygen, or nutrients.
When asking assessment questions, remember the American Cancer Society's mnemonic device CAUTION:
C: Change in bowel or bladder habits
A: A sore that doesn't heal
U: Unusual bleeding or discharge
T: Thickening or lump
I: Indigestion or difficulty swallowing
O: Obvious changes in a wart or mole
N: Nagging cough or hoarseness.
Use the ABCD rule to assess a mole's malignant potential:
A: Asymmetry--Is the mole irregular in shape?
B: Border--Is the border irregular, notched, or poorly defined?
C: Color--Does the color vary (for example, between shades of brown, red, white, blue, or black)?
D: Diameter--Is the diameter more than 6 mm?
Side effects of steroids. The 5 S's.
Sick- easier to get sick
Sad-causes depression
Sex-increases libido
Salt-retains more and causes weight gain
Sugar-raises blood sugar
Pupils Equally Round and Reactive to Light and Accomodation
Learning the Systems of the Body?
M= Muscle
R= Respiratory
I= Integumentary
C= Circulatory
E= Endocrine
R= Reproductive
U= Urinary
N= Nervous
S= Skeletal
Trouble figuring out which eye is which?
OS is left eye
OD is the right eye
You can remember which one is the right eye (OD), because you can make the D into an R - You just have to draw to stick legs on the bottom of the D. Write it down on paper, you'll see what I mean (it's hard to show you when all I can do is type)
S/S of Hyponatremia
S tupor/coma
A norexia, N&V
L ethargy
T endon reflexes decreased
L imp muscles (weakness)
O rthostatic hypotension
S eizures/headache
S tomach cramping
Immediate treatment of MI, think MONA:
M Morphine sulfate
O Oxygen
N Nitroglycerin
Treatment of CHF, think UNLOAD FAST:
U sit Upright
N Nitro
L Lasix
O Oxygen
A Aminophylline
D Digoxin
F Fluids- decrease
A Afterload - decrease
S Sodium - decrease
T Tests: dig level, ABG, K+
Assistive devices -- Canes:
C Cane
O Opposite
A Affected
L Leg
Signs of a Cholinergic Crisis, think SLUD:
S Salivation
L Lacrimation
U Urination
D Defication
Memory Trick:Need to remember which kind of beta blocker has which action?
B1 Blocks the heart (you have only one heart)
B2 Blocks the lungs (you have two lungs)
fetal accelerations and decelerations!!!
Just remember VEAL CHOP
Variable Cord compression
Early Head compression
Accelerations OK
Late Placental insufficiency
Heart sounds:
S3= Heart fail-ure (3 syllables)
S4=Hy-per-ten-sion (4 syllables)
effects of anticholinergics:
Can't see
Can't pee
Can't spit
Can't --defecate
Nine-point Postpartum Assessment...
B- Breasts
U- Uterus
B- Bladder
B- Bowel function
L- Lochia
E- Episiotomy
H- Homan's sign
E- Emotional Status
R- Respiratory System
The 5 P's of circulation loss in a limb.
Pain, Pallor, Pulselessness, Parasthesia, Poikilothermia
side effects & adverse reactions to immunizations:
F- Fever
I- Itching
S- Stiffness
H- Headache
E- Edema
R- Redness
F- Fussy
L- Localized Tenderness
A- Appetite decrease
G- General Aches Pains
"You Are Fried"
F - Fever (low grade), flushed skin
R - Restless (irritable)
I - Increased fluid retention and increased BP
E - Edema (peripheral and pitting)
D - Decreased urinary output, dry mouth
Can also use this one:
S = Skin flushed
A = Agitation
L = Low-grade fever
T = Thirst
C - Convulsions
A- Arrhythmias
T - Tetany
S - Spasms and stridor
Remember that here in the USA you D drive on the right side of the road.
O= optical
A= auditory
AD - right ear
AS - left ear
AU - both ears
OD - right eye
OS - left eye
OU - both eyes
Mneumonic device for remembering questions to ask emergency room admits:
Car? (circumstances of event)
Please (precipitating events)
Listen (location of event)
To This: (Time of event)
Watch (when symptoms appeared)
Underage (unconsciousness after injury?)
Alcoholics (arrival time in ER)
Heading (hospital admits previously?)
Home (previous history/health status)
And (allergies)
Maybe (medications)
Flattening (fears for safety)
My (meal, time of last)
Poodle (period, time of last menstrual)
Dog (primary doctor, name and location of)
Tonight (tetanus, date of last immunization)
Everyone knows to make the ABCD (airway breathing circulation and neurologic disability) assessment first. Then as soon as possible, further assessment/intervention is done, which includes:
His (health history)
Head (head to toe assessment)
Is (insert monitoring devices -- caths, ECG, arterial lines)
So (splints for fractures)
Wide (wound care)
Olivia (other interventions)
The pathophysiology of ARDS:
Assault on the respiratory system
Respiratory distress
Decreased lung compliance
Severe respiratory failure
Diagnostic criteria of ARDS
Acute onset
Ratio (PaCO2/FiO2) <200 span="">
Diffuse infiltration
Swan-Ganz wedge pressure (PAWP) <18mm hg="" span=""> 18mm>200>
Complications of thrombolytic therapy: The 3 B's
Brady's (dysrhythmias)
Bloodclots (d/t excessive thrombin)
Complications of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB): The 3 H's
Hypothermia (to decrease O2 consumption)...Effects SVR (vasoconstriction) and causes myocardial depression (decreases contractility)
Hemodilution (to improve macrocirculation)...fluid shifting (third-spacing), e-lyte imbalances (K+, Mg+ & Ca++ often need replacing!)
Heparinzation (to prevent clots in circuit)...monitor aPTT.
Signs and symptoms of cardiac tamponade (Beck's Triad): The Three D's
Distant heart sounds
Distended jugular veins
Decreased pulse pressure (think of a narrow pulse pressure as opposed to a wide one)
Atrial Arrhythmias: ABCDE
Adenosine/amiodorone or anticoagulate (if Afib/Flutter has been present >48h)
Beta blockers
Calcium channel blockers
Electrocardiovert (if <48h span=""> 48h>
For ventricular arrhythmias: AL
N - Naproxen
S - Salicylates
A - Advil
I - Ibuprofen
D - Diclofenac
S - Sulinclac
8 A's for Hepatotoxic Drugs (Check SGPT/SGOT)
S - sodium Luminal
G - gabapentin
P - phenytoin
T - tegretol
Antifamily (contraceptice pills)
Parkinson's Medications: "Ali Loves Boxing Matches"
L- Levodopa
B- Bromocriptine
M-MAO inhibitors
The 4 H's that invalidate a neuro exam:
Pinpoint pupils: Drugs, drops & nearly dead
Drugs: opiates
Drops: meds for glaucoma
Nearly dead: damage in the pons area of the brainstem
Dilated pupils: Fear, Fits & Fast Living
Fear: panic, extreme anxiety
Fits: seizures
Fast Living: cocaine, crack, phencyclidine (PCP)
ADLs (Activity of Daily Living)
IADLS (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) SCUM
C-ooking and Cleaning
U-sing telephone or transportaiton
M-anaging money and medications
Bleeding Precautions (RANDI)
R- Razor Electric/ Blades
A- Aspirin
N- No needles (esp. in small gauge)
D- Do decrease in needle sticks)
I - Injury (Protect from)
Canes and Walkers (COAL)
C- Cane
O- Opposite
A- Affected
L- Leg
Canes and Walkers (WWAL)
Wandering Wilma's Always Late
W- Walker
W- With
A- Affected
L - Leg
Common Causes of Transient Incontinence (DIAPPERS)
A-trophic Urethra
E-xcess Urine Output
R-estricted Mobility
S-tool Impaction
Promotion of Normal Elimination (POOPER SCOOP)
O-ffer Fluids
R-eport Results
S-ize (Amount)
O-ccult Blood
Emergency Trauma Assessment
G-et Vitals
H-ead to Toe Assessment
Trauma Surgery (AMPLE)
after initial assessment
P-ast Medical History
L-ast Meal
E-vents Surrounding Injury
Trauma Surgery (AMPLE)
after initial assessment
P-ast Medical History
L-ast Meal
E-vents Surrounding Injury
6 P's of Dyspnea
P- Pulmonary Bronchial Constriction
P- Possible Foreign Body
P- Pulmonary Embolus
P- Pneumothorax
P- Pump Failure
P- Pneumonia
Lidocaine Toxicity (SAMS)
S-lurred Speech
A-ltered Central Nervous System
M-uscle Twitching
TDCI (These Drugs Can Interact)
T - Theophyline
D - Dilantin
C - Coumadin
I - losone (Erythromycin)
Serious Complications of Oral Birth Control Pills (ACHES)
A- Abdominal Pain
C - Chest Pain
H - Headache
E - Eye Problems
S - Severe Leg Pain
Emergency Drugs to LEAN on
L- Lidocaine
E - Epinephrine
A- Atropine Sulfate
N - Narcan
Drugs for Bradycardia & low BP (IDEA)
I - Isoproterenol
D - Dopamine
E - Epinephrine
A - Atropine Sulfate
Cholinergic Crisis (SLUD)
Depression Assessment (SIG)
S-leep Disturbances
I-nterest Decreased
G-uilty Feelings
Energy Decreased (CAPS)
C-oncentration decreased
P-sychomotor function decreased
S-uicidal Ideations
5 A's to Alzheimer Diagnosis
Major Symptoms of a Manic Attack (DIG FAST)
D- Distractibility
I - Indiscretion
G - Grandiosity
F- Flight of Ideas
A- Activity Increase
S- Sleep Deficit
T - Talkative
3 P's of Blindness
P- Preventable
P- Painless
P- Permanent
Symptoms of Hypoxia (in Pediatrics) - FINES
F-eeding difficulty
I-nspiratory Stridor
N-ares Flares
E-xpiratory Grunting
S-ternal Retractions
Management of ASTHMA
A-drenergics (Albuterol)
H-ydration (IV)
M-ask (Oxygen)
Epiglottitis (AIR RAID)
A-irway Closed
I-ncreased Pulse
A-nxiety Increased
I-nspiratory Stridor
Blood Flow Through the Cardiac Valves (Tissue Paper My Assets)
Immediate Treatment of a Myocardial Infarction Client (MONA)
M- Morphine
O- Oxygen
N- Nitroglycerine
U-pright Position
N-itrates (in low dose)
F-luids (decrease)
A-fterload (decrease)
S-odium restriction
T-est (Dig level, ABGs, K level)
Make sure they don't have problems with:
D-rug and alcohol
E-yes and ears
M-etabolic and endocrine disorders
E-motional disorders
N-eurologic disorders
T-umors and trauma
A-rteriovascular disease
Osteoporosis Risk Factors (ACCESS)
A-lcohol Use
C-orticosteroid Use
C-alcium low
E-strogen low
S-edentary lifestyle/s
Who needs dialysis? (Check the vowels: AEIOU)
A- Acid-Base Problems
E- Electrolyte Problems
I- Intoxications
O- Overload of fluids
U - Uremic Symptoms
Prostate Problems are no... FUN
F- Frequency
U- Urgency
N- Nocturia
BRAT Diet (for severe dehydration)
B- Banana
R- Rice
A- Apple
T- Toasted Bread
Gluten Free Diet (ROW)
R- Rye
O- Oats
W- Wheat
Assess Changes in Senile Dementia (JAMCO)
J- Judgment
A- Affect
M- Memory
C- Cognition
O- Orientation
3 P's of Diabetes Mellitus - Type 1 Signs & Symptoms
P- Polyuria (excessive urination)
P- Polydypsia (excessive thirst)
P- Polyphagia (excessive hunger)
Right-Sided Heart Failure (HEAD)
H- Hepatomegaly
E- Edema (Bipedal)
A- Ascites
D- Distended Neck Vein
Left-Sided Heart Failure (CHOP)
C- Cough
H- Hemoptysis
O- Orthopnea
P- Pulmonary Congestion (crackles/ rales)
Hyperkalemia Management (KIND)
K- Kayexalate (orally/ enema)
I- Insulin
N- Na HCO3
D- Diuretics (Furosemide & Thiazides)
Management of Myocardial Infarction (MONATAS)
M- Morphine
O- Oxygen
N- Nitrates (Nitroglycerin)
A- Aspirin (ASA)
T- Thormbolytics
A- Anti-Coagulants
S- Stool Softeners
Electrolytes - PISO
P- Potassium
I- Inside
S- Sodium
O- Outside
Eating Disorder: ANOREXIA
A-menorrhea delayed
N-o organic factors accounts for weight loss
O-bviously thin but feels FAT
R-efusal to maintain normal body weight
E-pigastric discomfort is common
X-symptoms (peculiar symptoms)
I-ntense fears of gaining weight
A-lways thinking of foods
Symptoms of Leukemia (ANT)
A- Anemia
N- Neutropenia
T- Thrombocytopenia
Exercise Guide for Diabetic Fitness (FIT)
F - Frequency (3x per week)
I - Intensity (60-80% of Maximal Heart Rate)
T- Time (Aerobic Activity)
Symptoms of Hypoxia (RAT BED)
Early Hypoxia:
T-achycardia/ Tachypnea
Late Hypoxia:
E-xtreme Restlessness
Eating Disorder: BULIMIA
B-inge eating
U-nder strict dieting
L-acks control over-eating
I-nduced vomiting
M-inimum of to binge eating episodes
I-ncrease/Persistent concern of body size/shape
A-buse of diuretics & laxatives
Findings of a Bulimia client: WASHED
W-eight loss of 15% of original body weight
S-ocial withdrawal
H-istory of high activity & achievement
E-lectrolyte Imbalance
D-epression/ Distorted Body Image
Outcome of Alcoholism: BAD
B- Brain Damage
A- Alcoholic Hallucinosis
D- Death
5 D's of Behavioral Problems of Alcoholism
D- Denial
D- Dependency
D- Demanding
D- Destructive
D- Domineering
Breast self examination (i made a song out of this)
♫ ♪♪ ♫1 little 2, little 3 little fingers
Do BSE 7 days after menses
Press nipple once check for discharge
Call your doctor
I'm sure you will do it more...♫ ♪♪ ♫
Alkalosis and Acidosis
Alkalosis - has a 'k' - Kicking the pH up
Acidosis - has a 'd' - Dropping the pH down
Solutions: Isotonic, Hypotonic, Hypertonic
Isotonic - "Same as I" - the solution used will be the same as normal body fluid composition. Fluids remain inside intravascular space.
Hypotonic - "Hypo, hippo" - the solution pulls fluid from the intravascular space into the ICF - the cell "swells like a hippo".
For remembering the coronary arteries and which side they are on:
I have a RIGHT to CAMP if you LEFT off the AC
Right = Right
M=Marginal Artery
P=Posterior Interventricular Artery
A=Anterior Interventricular Artery
C=Circumflex Artery
Inflammation (HIPER)
4 C's of Hypertension (Complications)
C- Coronary Artery Disease
C- Coronary Rheumatic Fever
C- Congestive Heart Failure
C- Cardio Vascular Accident
Complications of Trauma Client (TRAUMATIC)
T-issue Perfusion Problems
R-espiratory Problems
U-nstable Clotting Factors
A-ltered Body Image
C-oping Problems
Cyanotic Defects: 4 T's
T- Tetralogy of Fallot
T- Truncus Arteriosus
T- Transportation of the Great Vessels
T- Tricuspid Atresia
Cranial Nerve Mnemonic 01
O-Lympic (Olfactory)
O-Pium (Optic)
O-Ccupies (Oculomotor)
T-ROubled (Trochlear)
T-RIathletes (Trigeminal)
A-fter (Abducens)
F-inishing (Facial)
V-Egas (Vestibulocochlear)
G-ambling (Glossopharyngeal)
V-Acations (Vagus)
S-till (Spinal Accessory)
H-igh (Hypoglossal)
Cranial Nerve Mnemonic 02
O- Oh
O- Oh
O- Oh
T- To
T- Touch
A- And
F - Feel
G - irl's
V - agina
S - So
H- Heavenly
Cranial Nerve Mnemonic 03
O- On
O -Old
O- Obando
T- Tower
T- Top
F- Filipino
A - Army
G - Guards
V - Villages
A - And
H - Huts
Cranial Nerve Mnemonics
(Sensory, Motor or Both)
S - Some
S - Says
M- Marilyn
M- Monroe
B - But
M- My
B- Brother
S- Says
B- Bridget
B - Bardot
M- Mmm
M- Mmm
Cranial Nerve Mnemonics 02
(Sensory, Motor or Both)
S- Some
S- Say
M - Marry
M- Money
B- But
M- My
B - Brother
S- Says
B- Bad
B- Business
M - Marry
M - Money
OB Non-Stress Test (NNN)
3 negatives in a row to interpret results of Non-Stress Test
N - Non-reactive
N - Non- Stress is
N - Not good
Severe Pre-Eclampsia (HELLP)
H- emolysis
E- levated
L- iver function tests
L- ow
P- latelet count
Assessment Tests for Fetal Well-Being (ALONE)
A- Amniocentesis
L- L/S Ratio
O - Oxytocin Test
N - Non-Stress Test
E - Estriol Level
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